Category Archives: General

Retrieving Logon Information from Active Directory Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) and inserting it into the BatchPatch Grid

In the July 2022 version of BatchPatch we added integration for Microsoft’s Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS), so now you can easily highlight a group of target computers in your BatchPatch grid and then retrieve the LAPS password stored in Active Directory for each of the selected hosts/rows. The rows will then be automatically populated […]

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New Version of BatchPatch Released July 2022

This week we released a new version of BatchPatch. Along with miscellaneous fixes and enhancements, the primary features/functionality we added are: Custom email notifications that can be saved and added to job queues or scheduled tasks. Now you can have different email notification settings for different purposes. So, for example, if you need to have […]

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‘Access is denied’ in BatchPatch After Installing the June 2022 Cumulative Windows Update

The problem: After installing the June 2022 cumulative Windows Update (2022-06 Cumulative Update for Windows) OR any future cumulative update that is released from this point forward, if the previous patch level of the system was some date prior to June 2022, and the newly installed patch level is June 2022 or newer, you might […]

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Remotely Deploying Monthly Windows Updates to Multiple Computers

BatchPatch can do quite a few things, but at the core of the software is the functionality for managing Windows Updates on numerous computers without having to install any permanent remote agents, and with only minimal setup and configuration. In many environments BatchPatch will just work right out of the box, without any configuration. In […]

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Get the ‘Location’ Property of a Computer Object in Active Directory

Recently someone asked us how he could import the ‘Location’ property value on computer objects from Active Directory for a group of computers in a BatchPatch grid. BatchPatch enables you to run a script and view the output of the script, which is how we’ll accomplish this task. And while there is more than one […]

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Is it Okay to Install and Run BatchPatch on a WSUS Server?

First, let me start by saying that we have many customers who run BatchPatch on the same computer where they have the WSUS role installed (Windows Server Update Services). There is nothing inherently wrong about doing this. In many situations, it really isn’t a big deal if BatchPatch and WSUS are running on the same […]

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Modifying the Scope of Windows Firewall Rules to Allow Connections Only From Selected IP Addresses

When configuring BatchPatch to work in your environment, you might have to modify your Windows Firewall rules on target computers to enable BatchPatch to work properly. As explained in this posting, BatchPatch will require inbound allowances on all target computer firewalls for File and Printer Sharing and Windows Management Instrumentation in order for BatchPatch to […]

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Remotely Deploying Windows Feature Update Version 21H2 to Numerous Computers

Standard Deployment Method for Windows Feature Update 21H2 (and other feature updates/upgrades such as 22H2 etc) in BatchPatch Unless you are using a version of BatchPatch that was released prior to April 2020, you can usually deploy/install feature updates like 21H2 with the normal Windows Update actions in BatchPatch under ‘Actions > Windows updates‘. However, […]

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BatchPatch New Version Released February 2022

We published a new build last week. Aside from a number of bug fixes and miscellaneous enhancements, the key features that we added to this build are: Row filter: We know a lot of people have wanted this for a long time, so hopefully you’ll all get some good use out of it. In previous […]

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Overview for Remotely Deploying Software and Specifying Default Settings

Today I’m not going to perform a specific deployment. Instead I want to provide a conceptual overview for new users who ask us “How do I remotely install software on multiple computers and configure that software to have specific default settings for the end user?” Similarly, “How do I remotely install software to multiple computers […]

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