Get the ‘Location’ Property of a Computer Object in Active Directory

Recently someone asked us how he could import the ‘Location’ property value on computer objects from Active Directory for a group of computers in a BatchPatch grid.

BatchPatch enables you to run a script and view the output of the script, which is how we’ll accomplish this task. And while there is more than one way to write a script to retrieve the location value of computers in Active Directory, the simplest method is to use the Get-ADComputer PowerShell cmdlet that’s included with the Active Directory PowerShell module in the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows, so that’s exactly what we’re going to do here.

  1. On the BatchPatch computer you’ll need to make sure you have installed the Active Directory PowerShell module so that we can take advantage of the Get-ADComputer cmdlet. Microsoft has installation instructions here.
  2. Test the Get-ADComputer cmdlet in a PowerShell prompt to ensure that you’ve installed the module successfully. I have a computer called WIN10_TEMP_TEST, so I’ll run the following command to get its Location value:
    Get-ADComputer WIN10_TEMP_TEST -Properties location | select -ExpandProperty location

    You can see in the screenshot below that it worked.

  3. Now that we have a working command, we can essentially just insert that into BatchPatch so that we can use it to query for the location value of numerous computers simultaneously. In BatchPatch we’ll create a Local Command for this purpose. When you execute a Local Command for a given row (or group of rows) in your BatchPatch grid, the command will execute on the BatchPatch computer itself (whereas a Remote Command would execute on the target computer(s)). To create a Local Command in BatchPatch click on ‘Actions > Execute local process/command > Create/modify local commands

    The command syntax that we’re going to use in BatchPatch is:

    powershell.exe Get-ADComputer $computer -Properties location | select -ExpandProperty location

    However, note that depending on your OS and PowerShell version, if you have problems with the command above, try this instead:

    powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command "Get-ADComputer $computer -Properties location | select -ExpandProperty location"

  4. Now that we’ve added the command, it’s simple to run it for the selected hosts in the grid. Just select the desired hosts, and click on ‘Actions > Execute local process/command > Execute saved local commands > Get location

    When the command is executed, the $computer variable in the command is replaced by the actual host name for the corresponding row. This way you can select a large number of rows to obtain this information for each row all at the same time. I only have two computers in my lab at the moment, but you can see that I was successfully able to obtain the location info for them:
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