Category Archives: Blog

Using Textual Filters to Limit Which Windows Updates Are Installed by BatchPatch

BatchPatch has a few different ways to filter which available Windows Updates are downloaded and/or installed. The graphical filter is good for most situations where you just want to selectively apply only certain available updates. However, text-based filtering can be useful in cases where you want to have an ongoing filter from month to month […]

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Remotely Initiating Windows Update on Multiple Computers

One of the primary tasks that BatchPatch facilitates is the application of Windows Updates. BatchPatch enables systems administrators to initiate the Windows Update process remotely on numerous computers at the same time. Let’s take a look at how this is accomplished. Start by adding computers to your BatchPatch grid. To do this you can either […]

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Remotely Deploying Windows Feature Update Version 23H2 to Numerous Computers

Standard Deployment Method for Windows Feature Update 23H2 (and other feature updates/upgrades such as 22H2, 21H2 etc) in BatchPatch Unless you are using a version of BatchPatch that was released prior to April 2020, you can usually deploy/install feature updates like 23H2 with the normal Windows Update actions in BatchPatch under ‘Actions > Windows updates‘. […]

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Executing an Advanced Multi-Row Queue Sequence as a Scheduled Task

If you want to execute an advanced multi-row queue sequence on a specific datetime, you can do it with a scheduled task. Alternatively, you can also execute an advanced multi-row queue sequence from within a job queue. The job queue can also be executed by a scheduled task, if desired. Executing an advanced multi-row queue […]

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How to Run a Remote Task Immediately After a Computer is Detected Online

BatchPatch has functionality built-in that lets you use the Task Scheduler to schedule tasks to run on target computers immediately after those target computers are detected online. This can be useful for computers that are often taken off the network. If you need to deploy an update to such a computer, it might be good […]

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How to Launch an Application Interactively on Remote Computers

Occasionally someone wants to launch an application interactively on target computers. That is, they want to use BatchPatch to trigger the execution of an application that will appear on the desktop of the currently logged-on user of the target system(s). This can be both simple and not-so-simple to do at the same time. There are […]

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Using BatchPatch to Rename the Windows SoftwareDistribution Folder on Target Computers

In some cases when you’re dealing with Windows Update problems on a target computer, you might find recommendations on the web that suggest to rename the Windows SoftwareDistribution folder ( C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution ) in order to reset the Windows Update components. The purpose of renaming that folder is to cause Windows to re-create it from scratch. […]

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Using BatchPatch to Update Google Chrome on Remote Computers

The process for updating Google Chrome remotely, using BatchPatch, is quick and painless. Create a BatchPatch ‘Remote Command’ by highlighting the desired target hosts and then selecting Actions > Execute remote process/command > Create/modify remote command 1 Input the remote command syntax exactly as follows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe" /ua /installsource scheduler When you click the […]

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BatchPatch Error 1611:5. Failure

99% of the time if you see 1611:5. Failure appear in BatchPatch, it’s due to PsExec getting blocked by your anti-virus/security software. Sophos seems to be the primary culprit for when we get reports of this failure/error. To resolve this, generally you’ll just need to add an exclusion in your AV/Security app for PsExec.exe that […]

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BatchPatch Custom Email Notifications

Recently someone asked if it’s possible to configure BatchPatch to send an email notification 15 minutes before the patching maintenance begins. Here is how to do it: If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to configure the outgoing email account details under Tools > Settings > Email Notifications Next, setup a custom email notification […]

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