Job Queue – How do you remove a host/row

BatchPatch Forums Home Forums BatchPatch Support Forum Job Queue – How do you remove a host/row

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by cwpippin.
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    Batchpatch is new to me. I recently talked my company into purchasing it as I am the sole network person in the company now thanks to Covid. I used to use VbWsus but it just stopped working and a reinstall did not fix the issue. I needed something to help me patch over 100 servers at the end of every month. BatchPatch was the answer to my need.

    I probably went about this all wrong but I created one tab with all of my hosts in it (one per row). I then created a task schedule for each row (host) and set the action (Download updates + reboot always), set my date and time, and reoccurrence. That all seems to be working as expected.

    What isn’t working is sending an email notification after every host task scheduler run. So I started looking into it and it seemed like I needed to use a job queue to perform the email notification. I selected a couple of rows (hosts) and then created a job queue that only sends an email notification. Unfortunately, it never ran and I am quite sure I did something wrong.

    However, to my actual intended question here, I wanted to remove the rows from the job queue but I cannot seem to do so. Is there some trick to this task?


    Hello – First, in case you didn’t see these, here are some links that demonstrate how to send email notifications in a few different ways:

    With regard to your question, I’m actually not quite sure I understand what you mean. A row is not a part of a job queue. Rather a job queue can be saved in the global saved job queues list and then later executed for a row in a grid… OR a job queue can be directly applied to a row in a grid and be saved there instead of (or in addition to) the global saved job queues list. Maybe you applied a job queue directly to a row? And you’re asking how to undo that or clear the job queue from that row? One method is to go back to the job queue window and just apply a new queue to the row and overwrite the old one. It can be another queue or an empty queue. Another option is to clear the job queue contents from the row using ‘Actions > Clear column contents’ for the desired row.


    Thank you sir for responding. What I meant was that I added a job queue to a row and I changed my mind. I wanted to now clear that entry so that the “Job Queue” cell was clear. I could not seem to do that.

    However, what you provided me in regards to sending emails after each row is processed help immensely and I have no modified my jobs accordingly.

    Thank you again.

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