Stuck process

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  • #9289

    I was doing some testing and tried to push out a registry file to all workstations but my first attempts were qued up and now when i tried to do windows updates it stated it was waiting on another process. I was able to reboot all machines and cleared up the temp directory. How can I remove any previously qued up Batchpatch jobs? In this case it is just sitting on ‘searching’.

    Thanks again Doug!



    Ping Reply


    Reboot Messages

    Reboot initiated successfully. – 23:16:52

    Windows Update Messages

    Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe… – 23:20:31

    All Messages

    Wed-23:20:31> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Wed-23:20:31> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Download and install updates: ‘SoftwareOnly’ | Server selection: Default / Managed) …

    Wed-23:20:30> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Wed-23:20:30> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Wed-23:20:11> Windows Update: Queued… (Download and install updates + reboot always)

    Wed-23:19:28> Remote Working Directory: Deleted \PCC$Program FilesBatchPatch

    Wed-23:19:23> Remote Working Directory: Attempting to remove \PCC$Program FilesBatchPatch

    Wed-23:18:01> PC ONLINE

    Wed-23:17:19> PC OFFLINE

    Wed-23:16:56> Windows Update: Error -102: Failed to execute the search.

    Wed-23:16:52> Reboot/Shutdown: Reboot initiated successfully.

    Wed-23:16:52> Reboot/Shutdown: Attempting to initiate reboot…

    Wed-23:03:49> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Wed-23:03:49> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Download and install updates: ‘SoftwareOnly’ | Server selection: Default / Managed) …

    Wed-23:03:49> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Wed-23:03:49> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Wed-23:03:31> Windows Update: Queued… (Download and install updates)

    Wed-23:02:03> Windows Update: Error 1903: Could not find file ‘\PCC$Program FilesBatchPatchBatchPatchTempResult.log’. HRESULT: -2147024894

    Wed-23:02:02> Windows Update: Error 1611: 1. Failure

    Wed-23:02:02> Windows Update: Failed to obtain result. Could not find file ‘\PCC$Program FilesBatchPatchBatchPatchTempResult.log’.

    Wed-23:01:56> TaskKill: Exit Code: 0

    Wed-23:01:55> Executing TaskKill /F /S PC /IM BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe

    Wed-23:00:44> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Wed-23:00:44> Windows Update: Attempting to reconnect to Windows Update process…

    Wed-23:00:22> Windows Update: Queued… (Reattach orphan + do not reboot / shutdown)

    Wed-22:40:19> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Wed-22:40:19> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Download and install updates: ‘SoftwareOnly’ | Server selection: Default / Managed) …

    Wed-22:40:19> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Wed-22:40:19> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Wed-22:40:08> Windows Update: Queued… (Download and install updates)


    Stopped batchpatch and reconnected and killed stuck process, please advise.

    Not sure if it helps but my temp location is C:/Deployment


    Windows Update Messages

    Error 1903: Could not find file ‘\PCC$Program FilesBatchPatchBatchPatchTempResult.log’. HRESULT: -2147024894 – 00:10:35

    All Messages

    Thu-00:10:35> Windows Update: Error 1903: Could not find file ‘\PCC$Program FilesBatchPatchBatchPatchTempResult.log’. HRESULT: -2147024894

    Thu-00:10:30> TaskKill: Exit Code: 0

    Thu-00:10:30> Executing TaskKill /F /S PC /IM BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe

    Thu-00:09:02> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Thu-00:09:02> Windows Update: Attempting to reconnect to Windows Update process…

    Thu-00:08:48> Windows Update: Queued… (Reattach orphan + do not reboot / shutdown)


    If it says ‘Searching…’ then it is likely to actually be searching still. Killing it won’t solve anything because you’ll then just have to start over and wait for it to search all over again. The process is really not ever ‘stuck.’ But some computers can take a very long time to search for updates. This is not a BatchPatch issue. Generally it is a Windows 7 thing, which Microsoft acknowledged. You can read more about slow check for Windows Updates on Windows 7 here:

    Windows 7 slow check for updates



    Good Morning Doug,

    Half of my PC’s failed with the following message and the other half still show ‘Searching’


    Windows Update Messages

    Error -102: Failed to execute the search. – 15:46:43

    Remote Agent Log

    PC 11/10/2016 13:26:40

    ::Begin online search – Server Selection: Microsoft Update

    -102: Failed to execute the search. HRESULT: -2145124322

    PC 11/10/2016 15:46:40

    All Messages

    Thu-15:46:43> Windows Update: Error -102: Failed to execute the search.

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Search for updates: ‘SoftwareOnly’ | Server selection: Microsoft Update) …

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Thu-13:26:39> Windows Update: Queued… (Check for available updates)


    Windows Update Messages

    Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe… – 13:27:07

    All Messages

    Thu-13:27:07> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Thu-13:27:06> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Search for updates: ‘SoftwareOnly’ | Server selection: Microsoft Update) …

    Thu-13:27:06> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Thu-13:27:06> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Thu-13:26:41> Windows Update: Queued… (Check for available updates)

    I have two PC’s that completed successfully out of 59.

    Windows Update Messages

    Reboot Required. Overall Installation Result: SucceededWithErrors – 15:50:37

    Remote Agent Log

    PC3 11/10/2016 15:21:19

    ::Begin online search – Server Selection: Microsoft Update

    The search query “SoftwareOnly” returned 85 update(s):

    (here showed the process of all the updates) etc…

    ::End installation

    Overall Installation Result: SucceededWithErrors

    Reboot Required: TRUE

    PC3 11/10/2016 15:50:34

    All Messages

    Thu-15:50:37> Windows Update: Reboot Required. Overall Installation Result: SucceededWithErrors

    Thu-15:21:19> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Thu-15:21:18> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Download and install updates: ‘SoftwareOnly’ | Server selection: Microsoft Update) …

    Thu-15:21:18> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Thu-15:21:18> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Thu-15:21:17> Windows Update: Queued… (Download and install updates)

    Thu-13:27:06> Windows Update: 85 update(s) found

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Search for updates: ‘SoftwareOnly’ | Server selection: Microsoft Update) …

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Thu-13:26:40> Windows Update: Queued… (Check for available updates)

    Please advise.


    -102: Failed to execute the search. HRESULT: -2145124322 =>

    0x8024001E -2145124322 WU_E_SERVICE_STOP call was aborted due to service stop or system shut down

    Sounds like you tried to execute the operation while the computer was shutting down or booting up, and the Windows Update service was not started.


    Ok, I’ll try it again tonight.

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