Remember columns size / enter PW only one time

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by doug.
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    I wonder if there is a way that BP remembers the size of all colums (even the columns where the size has been customized manually) in each grid after it has been closed and reopened.
    I played around with the Grid Preferences but did not really get to the point that the view is exactly as it was before closing BP.
    Each time I open BP I need to spend some time to resize some columns in every grid (e.g. “Ping Reply”, “Logged On Users”, “OS Version”, “Last Boot Time) to the size that fits my needs, which is a bit anoying as I have at least 13 grids opened in my project file.

    A second topic is, that I need to enter the password for each grid in a project file at each BP start, even if it’s the same pw at each grid. Which is again anoying with 13 grids. I would like to have the option to set a PW for a project file, which is valid for each grid inside the project. Maybe this would be something for a feature request in an upcoming version of BP.

    Many thanks


    In ‘Tools > Settings > Grid Preferences’ if you disable “Allow BatchPatch to auto-resize column widths”, then the column widths will be remembered. However, it’s a global setting, not a per-grid setting, so whichever grid is closed last is the sizing that will be remembered on next launch. If you want everything to be identical to before closing BP, then you’ll prob also want to disable all or most of the other settings there too for window and column sizing. That said, we recommend leaving all of the settings enabled because BatchPatch will then automatically resize the columns as needed based on the column contents. There really shouldn’t be any need to be manually resizing the “Ping Reply” column or “Last Boot Time” etc because if you use the default settings then those columns will be properly sized for you by the application to fit whatever contents are in those cells.

    Regarding the password thing, we’ll consider this for a future build. Thanks.


    Hi doug,

    this is exactly the option I use, but unfortunately these columns I mentioned are not remembered. Most others are. Do you know why?
    For the ping column maybe I have an idea: I use the “Use short ping reply format” option. After restarting BP the ping column seems to be autmatically sized to the format that it would have if I did not use this option.

    I need to use custom column sizes as this is the only way to get every information I need in one view without need of horizontal scrolling. If the mentioned columns loose their customized sizes, the view does not fit to my screensize any longer.



    Hmmm… I can’t reproduce the column issue. I would suggest you make sure all instance of batchpatch.exe are closed on your computer. Then load your grid and adjust the column sizes as desired. Close BatchPatch. Then re-open BP or your grid file, and it should be all set. If for some reason it’s not, in that second opening, reset your columns once more. Then close BP and reopen it, and it should stick.

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