ps1 font install script not working

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    I can run this script locally on the box and it works fine, but it does not work when I run it through batchpatch. It does not work through deployment, remote command or remote command logged. It just exits with code 0 and that’s it, so it appears to work, but it does not. Please help!

    Thanks in advance

    $FONTS = 0x14

    # Set path to the fonts dir

    $objShell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
    $objFolder = $objShell.Namespace($FONTS)

    $CopyOptions = 4 + 16
    $CopyFlag = [String]::Format("{0:x}", $CopyOptions)

    #loop through each directory in the specified path looking for files with extensions starting with .tt or .o
    foreach($File in $(Get-ChildItem -Path $FromPath -Include *.ttf,*.otf,*.fon,*.fnt -Recurse)) {
    If (test-path "c:windowsfonts$($")
    # {"$File already exists - not copying"} #Useful for testing
    $CopyFlag = [String]::Format("{0:x}", $CopyOptions)
    # "copying $($file.fullname)" # Useful for debugging

    #installs fonts found in above loop to the Fonts directory
    $objFolder.CopyHere($File.fullname, $CopyOptions)

    New-ItemProperty -Name $File.fullname -Path "HKLM:SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFonts" -PropertyType string -Value $File



    I would suggest a few things to try:

    1. Change the ‘remote execution context’ to ‘Elevated token’ and then try again and see if it works.

    BatchPatch Remote Execution Context

    2. Change the \nasserver path in the script to a local/relative path instead of one that reaches out to a remote server. If your script is made to *not* access a remote path and instead is made to access the files locally (locally on the target computer), I suspect it will work.

    Deploying a Script with Relative Instead of Absolute Paths

    3. Follow the tutorial linked below that explains another way to deploy fonts:

    Remotely Install OpenType (.otf) or TrueType (.ttf) Fonts

    Please report back and let us know what you try and what works for you.




    1. I’ve tried this and it does not help – the script doesn’t seem to run at all. no fonts are copied.

    2. Will try.

    3. The problem with this method is I have 100 servers and 88 fonts. I started with this method but it doesn’t scale well.

    Thanks so much for your help!


    2. worked!

    I did a file copy of the whole folder with the fonts then changed the path to the local path with the ps1 script inside the fonts folder. I believe this is a better method of installing fonts rather than creating a manual entry for each one.

    consider me a happy camper!

    thank you!!


    Excellent. Thanks for following up. I’m glad that 2 worked. I also understand that 3 does not scale well. I’ll ask the team to re-work the script so that it can be used for any number of fonts without having to fill in so much code.



    Hi Doug,

    Do we have any updates here?


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