Failed to obtain result wshen running a scan for updates

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    We have a number of systems that return The message – Failed to obtain result. Could not find file ‘\#######C$Program FilesBatchPatchBatchPatchTempResult.log’ when scanning for new updates. Looking into the batchpatch folder I see a number of log files:






    Which look like updates are being found without a problem. I just want to mention I did rerun the scans and all found updates. Is it possible this is just a matter of having too many systems in a single group?


    When you say you re-ran the scans and all found updates, I think you are saying that on the second go-around you did not get any errors, correct? If that’s the case, I would just monitor and see if it happens again. I have never heard of this type of thing happening, and I doubt that it is related to too many systems, though out of curiosity how many are you talking about in the single group? Considering that you are experiencing a few weird issues (mentioned in your other postings), I suspect these are all related to your specific environment. These are very out-of-the-ordinary problems.



    We have about 180-200 systems in this group. Its all of our servers. I added them for an initial test to see where we would have errors before we start using BatchPatch for patching starting next week.


    Thanks. So yeah, 200 systems definitely should not be a problem. And even if you had thousands of systems I would not expect the issue you mentioned to occur. Frankly, the issue you described is not one that has ever been reported, and we have never seen it occur here in testing. Keep me posted on how things go in the future.



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