Windows Update: Error: 3. HRESULT: -2147024894. Could not find file…

BatchPatch Forums Home Forums BatchPatch Support Forum Windows Update: Error: 3. HRESULT: -2147024894. Could not find file…

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  • #9158

    I am able to update manually from the server.

    BatchPatch throws this error.

    I am watching the server folder and the batchpatchremoteagent.exe appears, disappears and then I get the below error in the console.

    Any suggestions?

    Tue-14:02:56> Windows Update: Error: 3. HRESULT: -2147024894. Could not find file ‘\HDCP-REDACPROC1C$Program FilesBatchPatchBatchPatchTempResult.log’.

    Tue-14:02:50> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…

    Tue-14:02:49> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Search for updates. Server selection: Default / Managed) …

    Tue-14:02:49> Windows Update: Establishing connection…

    Tue-14:02:47> Windows Update: Initializing…

    Tue-14:02:19> Windows Update: Queued… (Check for available updates)


    Is this problem occurring on just one particular computer or on all computers?

    Error 3 translates to:


    3 (0x3)

    The system cannot find the path specified.

    Do you have any sort of AV (Anti-Virus), HIPS (Host Instrusion Protection Software), or other security-related application running on the target system that might be either deleting the BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe file after BatchPatch copies it there, or might be severing the network connection?

    Does PsExec work against this target computer? So from the BP computer open a CMD prompt and type something like:

    psexec.exe IPCONFIG

    Does it return the IPCONFIG information or does it fail to execute?


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