Deploying a batch script

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by doug.
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    I have been working on a batch script that silently installs all the software I install on our new machines. The batch script works great on its own.

    I am now trying to use BatchPatch to run this script on a remote computer. I can not get this to work. It usually just completes without installing anything.

    Sample of the code:

    msiexec.exe /i “\nasIT_SupportStandard Installation2X Install2X Newer Clients2Xv10.5.13692XClient-x64.msi” /q

    Thats the path to a 64 bit install of 2x.

    When I create a deployment for just that software it installed correctly but not when I try to call from a batch script.

    Is there a thread on what i should be doing or any advice?

    Thank you,



    Hi John –

    Generally when you execute a script remotely on a target computer using BatchPatch, that script will only have access to resources on the target computer. The script will *not* have access network resources. This is why your script isn’t completing.

    You *might* have luck if you explicitly supply credentials for the row in BatchPatch using ‘Actions > Specify alternate credentials’ Let me know if that works. It might, but it might not.

    Assuming the above suggestion does not work, then the way to do this is successfully is to *not* rely on any network resources for the installations. You would need to write your script so that it does not include network locations and instead just includes the relative paths/locations. Then put all files in a single directory and use the BatchPatch ‘Deployment’ feature with the ‘Copy entire directory’ option.

    There’s an example of this type of usage at the following link. Hopefully you can use this as a template/example to model your script/deployment:

    Deploy Multiple MSU files in a single action

    I hope this helps.

    One other option that you might consider is to create a separate deployment in BatchPatch for each application that you want to install. Save each deployment in the BatchPatch deployment window. Once each deployment configuration has been saved you can then create a ‘Job Queue’ that installs each deployment that you previously created, sequentially. You can then also save that job queue for future use. This would give you a one-click way to install all the apps in a single action.




    Have you tried to map first the network path in the script? Like:

    net use <driver letter> \<servername><sharename> /user:<username> <password>

    Then execute the script installation and remove the mapping afterward, as last step.





    Changing the credentials did not help because I could not connect to the machine with those credentials.

    I am trying to avoid copying the installation files because at some point there will be a lot of data to copy.

    I will work on creating the job queue as described.

    I am able to use BatchPatch to remotely install one software at a time so it is not an authentication issue with our nas so I will have to play with each installation to make sure it is running silently as needed.

    Thanks for your help.

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