Check if Registry Value exists

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    I’m struggling a bit with the checking registry values. This is my first time using it and everything keeps coming back false. I’m trying to determine if Office365 is on a device and am using the Check if Registry Value exists, with this:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\O365ProPlusRetail – en-us\DisplayName\Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise – en-us

    Am I supposed to use quotes or anything? What am I doing wrong?


    There is no “Check if Registry Value” exists option in BatchPatch, so I’m not sure specifically which BatchPatch action you’re using. There are registry actions in BatchPatch, of course, but there are several different ones, and none of them is named that exactly, so I don’t know specifically where you are entering your registry path. That said, the first thing that I would ask you is are you inputting a path to a registry key but using one of the registry value options in BatchPatch? To be clear, a key is a key, and a value is a value. If you are searching for a registry key, you have to use a registry key function in BatchPatch. If you are searching for a registry value, you have to use a registry value function in BatchPatch.


    In the job queue:
    If specified registry value exists, goto label:X

    I’ve input the ‘HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\O365ProPlusRetail – en-us\DisplayName\Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise – en-us’ here based on the instructions that come up when choosing the “If specified registry value exists..”
    I’m searching the value of DisplayName and it has to say Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise – en-us.

    It seemed pretty self-explanatory but you’re saying you can’t actually search for registry values? If not, then what is this for in the queue?


    I don’t have this Microsoft software installed to see what it looks like in the registry, but in the example you’re describing it sounds like DisplayName is the registry value that you’re searching for. The action that you’re using in the job queue can tell you whether or not DisplayName exists. It can’t tell you what DisplayName is actually set to. What it’s set to is considered the ‘value data’, but the value itself is DisplayName. “If specified registry value exists, goto label:X’ can be used to goto label:X if DisplayName exists, regardless of what the value data for DisplayName is.


    You’re correct, I’m inadvertently looking for the data, not the value. I’ll need to rethink how to get this info for the queue. Thanks

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