Thanks. Unfortunately this is not a BatchPatch issue. It’s a Windows issue. Microsoft made changes in Windows 2019 in how it shows the update history. We actually don’t know if it’s intentional on their part or if they would consider it a bug. There are a couple of things to know:
1. You can see the proper update history if you use BatchPatch ‘Actions > Windows Updates > Generate consolidated report of update history (Windows Update Agent)’
2. On the target computer itself Windows now has two separate views for seeing update history. The two views do not both report the same information. One of them does show at least *some* of the updates that were installed by BatchPatch. The second screen is visible only after you click the ‘Uninstall updates’ link on the first screen or by going directly to the Windows ‘control panel > programs and features > view installed updates’.
These are the two screens that you can see in Windows:
This is the screen that you you can see by querying the history from within BatchPatch for the same target computer: