Unable to apply patches and getting an error 198

BatchPatch Forums Home Forums BatchPatch Support Forum Unable to apply patches and getting an error 198

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by rick.reynolds.
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    I am using the eval package and I am very impressed so far. I’ve gone a couple of months now updating 3 servers with no issues. Today I ran into a problem with one of them and am getting the error -198: Failed to add scan package service. HRESULT: -2147024784

    I did some reading but never found this exact HRESULT code. I did do a manual download of the wsusscn2.cab file and opened the digital signatures tab and it looks fine.

    I thought maybe there was a service or something not running on the server. I don’t have encryption on files either.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks Rick


    Hi Rick – I’m glad you’re liking the software so far.

    0x80070070 -2147024784 ERROR_DISK_FULL There is not enough space on the disk

    Looks like you need to free up some space on the target computer.



    Thank you – am working on that now. Will post on the results once I can free up the space. Don’t suppose there is a way to move the target folder to a different drive that has a ton of space.


    Tools > Settings > Remote Execution > Remote working directory


    So I was able to clean up some disk space but then I googled how to actually move the softwaredistribution folder. So I was able to move that to the drive with lots of space and the updates are currently installing.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Cheers Rick

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