Parse description column into local script

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago by doug.
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  • #14201

    From a previous post:
    “$notes2 works for the ‘Notes2’ column in the same way that $notes works for the ‘Notes’ column. I’m not quite sure what you mean when you say “$notes2 just outputted 2”.”

    I have this issue too. I’m doing a Local Command to ‘Create’ or ‘Delete’ a vSphere snapshot.
    cmd /c echo . |powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\Downloads\Scripts\vSphereSnapOrDelete.ps1 $computer $notes2

    Notes2 column has either a 0 or 1 (representing delete or create). In my script I capture each variable to confirm input. The variable for $computer is correct but the variable for $notes2 is not. Example: I have entered ‘1’ in Notes2. when I execute the BP Local command above, that variable reports ’02’
    Sample output:
    Computer = — Notes2 = 02

    Now, if I switch command to $note instead of $notes2 the variable is reported correctly.

    As another test, I typed in Notes2 column the word Off.
    my script/command returns “12” — 12

    It’s only $notes2, all others work correctly: $description, $location, $category, $notes


    Thanks for your detailed explanation. This helped us finally identify and fix the bug. It will be published in the next release.

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