job queue not working as expected…

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by doug.
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    I have multiple servers I have patched and they all require a reboot. I would like to reboot them one at a time in sequence, waiting for the previous one to come back up first before the next one reboots. I have created a basic job queue with the following:

    “Get pending reboot status + reboot if required (force)”

    “Wait for host to go offline and come back online”

    I apply the job to the servers and see it applied in the job queue column. When I execute the job by referencing the saved/applied job, they all reboot at once and not in a sequence like I expect.

    What am I doing wrong? I even set a 10min wait instead of the “Wait for host…” and it didn’t matter; they all rebooted at once.

    Any ideas/thoughts on what I am missing here?


    You can use either the basic multi row queue sequence or the advanced multi row queue sequence for this. Probably start with the basic sequence since it’s simpler to use and gives you what you are asking for. If you need more complex sequences that aren’t just one at a time, then check out the advanced sequence. Tutorials below.





    Additionally note that if you are using ‘Wait for host to go offline and come back online’ you should make sure to read the important note about it at this page:



    i appreciate your feedback, but that’s exactly what I did, the basic multi-row sequence, yet they keep rebooting all at once. What should I try now?


    my bad, i was executing a saved job that was applied already…but why wouldn’t a saved job work?


    When you select multiple rows and execute a saved job queue, it executes the saved job on each row simultaneously. The basic multi row queue sequence is what tells BP to execute each row sequentially, one at a time. To do this you must first apply the queue to be executed onto each row, then execute the basic multi row queue sequence. Then BP knows which queue to use for each row because each row can have its own independent queue.

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