How to create a Recurrenced Multiple Scheduled Tasks?

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    I want to create a recurrence multiple schedule , is that possible?

    In row 1 i have the task:
    Synchronize grid with directory (add and remove hosts)
    monday 10/19/20 8:00
    Monthly (3rd Monday)

    if i click Create Multiple Scheduled Task then it makes it Non recurrence 🙁

    I can not make do this in two rows because the action of row 1 will remove the row 2
    or can i lock a row?

    row 2 task or the second task need to be:
    Send email notification
    monday 10/19/20 9:00
    Monthly (3rd Monday)

    Hope there is a solution?
    Kind regards,


    Recurrence is not available for the multiple tasks schedule. It is only available for singular scheduled tasks. You have two options for accomplishing your goal:

    1. Manually schedule in the multiple tasks schedule all of the desired run dates/times.

    2. Add a new/separate row for each task that you want to be recurring. Create a singular scheduled task with recurrence for each row.

    If you have a grid synchronization task that is being used to remove other rows, you can prevent desired rows from being removed by either using ‘Synchronize grid with directory (add hosts only)’ so that your synch task never removes any hosts, or if you want to remove hosts but just don’t want to remove particular hosts then use the ‘Exclude hosts from synchronizations’ option that is available in the lower right corner of the Grid Synchronization Settings window.


    My workarround was making a job for Synch AD grid and wait 60 minutes and then my second task to sent email notification.

    The Exclude hosts/rows is a better solution and i going to use that.

    Thank you,

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