Get the real MAC of the physical NIC

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    When adding Computers and retrieving their MAC addresses I most often do not get the address of the physical NIC but the address of VMware1 oder VMware8 NIC.

    I need the MAC of the physical Ethernet adapter because I want to WOL these.

    Is there a possibility to change the order in the Client? Maybe with Get-NetAdapter?

    With getmac I get all the MACs on a system.

    Thanks in Advance


    BatchPatch can only input a single MAC into the ‘Mac Address’ field, and there is no way for BP to know which MAC to use, so BatchPatch ‘Get MAC Address’ gets the MAC from the first network adapter on the target computer that has an IP address.

    If you want to use WoL in BP with a different MAC, then you can simply enter a different MAC manually into the ‘MAC Address’ field in BP, or when you add a host to the grid you can add a MAC with the host using the syntax below:


    If you want to use BatchPatch to retrieve all of the MACs from the target computer adapters that have IPs, you can use the following syntax inside of a BP ‘Remote Command Logged Output’. However, this won’t insert a MAC into the ‘MAC Address’ field/column in BP. This will simply get a list of MACs for you. Then you can choose the one you want to manually enter into the ‘MAC Address’ field.

    WMIC PATH Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled=True GET MacAddress



    Thank you very much for the answer. I’ll do what you told me to do 🙂

    By the way: I really appreciate BatchPatch, it’s a great piece of software.


    You’re very welcome. Thanks for the feedback. I’m happy to hear that you like the app!


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