Get Logged On Users


  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by jomich18.
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  • #12234


    Can anyone help why i’m getting 1 User: NO OWNER when getting the Logged on user on the computers.

    It should be Short ID of the user logged on but most of the computer result are 1 User: NO OWNER


    The ‘NO OWNER’ result is obviously misleading/confusing. We’ll fix the language in the next release. However, essentially it means that BP was not able to successfully determine the logged on user, which it does by querying process ownership of explorer.exe. We actually have not ever seen this happen before in practice, but when the code returns “NO OWNER” it is because when BP queried the target computer’s OS for information, the returned info was empty/inaccessible/invalid. The likely reasons it could occur are, in no particular order:

    1. Insufficient permissions to target computer
    2. WMI corruption/error/failure on target computer
    3. Memory issue on target computer, possibly/probably with WMI service
    4. Other/unknown issue

    If rebooting the target fixes the issue, then the cause is probably 2 or 3. You could also check the event log on the target and see if it has any relevant/helpful info, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t.



    Hi doug,

    1. I have admin rights on the computers
    2. Same output after restart

    Regedit is disable, does that affect the output?


    I can’t see a reason why disabling regedit would have any impact. I just tried disabling it via GPO but it didn’t seem to impact anything in my test lab. Still worked fine without issue.

    I’m not sure what could be causing your issue (aside from the guesses in my previous message). At this time the ‘Get logged on users’ method in BP does not attempt to provide further detail about the error. What I can tell you though is no one has ever reported this before, and we have never seen it occur here, so it’s definitely unusual in that regard.

    In the next version of BP we’ll plan to print out the failure/error code or message text, which maybe will help point you in the right direction here for what’s going wrong.


    Thanks Doug.
    Any recommended script to output only the Username of the Logged on user via Execute Remote Process/Command?

    Already tried “query user” and it get the correct Logged on user on the computer

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