Exit Codes and their meanings

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    Is there a list of Exit Codes and their meanings? I understand from the good ol’ DOS days, exit code 0 = success (aka no errors) and exit code 1 = unsuccessful (aka an error occurred).

    But it would be great to have more information on what the codes for specific Batch Patch operations mean or potentially point to.

    For example. . . when I try to ‘Get Information -> Get Registry key/value’ with ‘HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSetup’ as the key and value left blank so that I can see all values, I get an Exit Code of 1 and no further information.

    I have confirmed that the key in fact exists on the target host and that other Batch Patch operations work just fine.

    Please advise and thanks for your time . . . Vince


    Vince – We’re working on improving error codes, and we generally try to put descriptive text next to errors whenever possible. In this case, the issue is just that you need quotes around you query, so exit code 1 is signifying Invalid Syntax:

    So, for this to work for you now, try: “HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSetup”

    We will get this fixed in the next build so that quotes won’t be necessary. This was an oversight in the code.

    Thanks for making us aware.



    Annnd, as always Doug, thank you sir for your quick response!

    Peace . . . Vince

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