Error -102: Failed to execute the search. HRESULT: -2145123264

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  • #13159
    Colleen Schmidt

    I have (2) Windows 2016 version 1607 servers that are giving me this error “-102: Failed to execute the search. HRESULT: -2145123264” when I try to “Check for available updates.” The command works fine on the other 100+ systems. I am able to run commands to see when they last were patched and what patching server they are using on these 2 units. And the command worked just fine last month (I do the checks every month). In fact, that command is part of the patching process that occurred on the two units 3 weeks ago.

    I have read the article called “BatchPatch Error: -102: Failed to execute the search. HRESULT -XXXXXXXXXX” for help/guidance, but was unable to find a solution. The converted HEX code for that error is: 8024 0440. I can’t find any help on either error code on Microsoft’s site.

    I was hoping someone on here can point me in a new direction or come up with a solution.


    From the Batchpatch console “log” of one of them:
    Windows Update Messages
    Error -102: Failed to execute the search. – 14:20:26
    Remote Agent Log
    troubleserver1 11/09/2021 14:19:54

    ::Begin online search – Server Selection: Default

    -102: Failed to execute the search. HRESULT: -2145123264

    troubleserver1 11/09/2021 14:19:59
    Windows Update Config
    All Messages
    Tue-14:24:04> Windows Update Configuration: http://ourSUSserver:8530
    Tue-14:24:03> Windows Update Configuration: Attempting to retrieve configuration…
    Tue-14:20:26> Windows Update: Error -102: Failed to execute the search.
    Tue-14:19:30> Windows Update: Executing BatchPatchRemoteAgent.exe…
    Tue-14:16:24> Windows Update: Attempting to initiate Windows Update (Action: Search for updates: ‘ImportantOnly’ | Server selection: Default / Managed) …
    Tue-14:16:24> Windows Update: Establishing connection…
    Tue-14:16:23> Windows Update: Initializing…
    Tue-14:16:22> Windows Update: Queued… (Check for available updates)


    This likely has something to do with SSL config and communication between the target and the WSUS. Have a look at the solutions provided at these two links:

    Colleen Schmidt

    Thank you for the reply. The security team discovered a teeny-tiny ACL rule not allowing traffic between the SUS and target units. They don’t know how they missed it before when I asked them to check, but glad that those 2 units are now working! Thanks again for your help – I would have not thought to bug that group to look again… without your response!


    Thanks for reporting back. I’m glad you got it worked out!

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