Detect Reboot

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by doug.
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  • #9099

    Hey everyone,

    I’m running into a Problem. If I run the task Download & Install Windows Updates (with a reboot if required) and if the maschine requires only a reboot (because someone installs the updates already manualy before), the maschine doesn’t reboot.

    Is there a possibility to create an Action that checks, if there is a pending reboot already required and if it is, just reboot immediately? Also is there a possibility to check if a maschine really reboots or not after the windows updates? Because I’m doing it now like, wait 5 min an than check if the maschine is online again because not every maschine needs a reboot all the time and I don’t want to do it anytime if its not really necessary.

    Thanks already for every helpful answer,

    best regards



    Hi Andreas – Thank you for the suggestion.

    There is currently an option to “Get pending reboot status,” but yes, we will also plan on adding an additional action to “Check pending reboot status + reboot if required.”

    With regard to your second question, the job queue has two options:

    “Wait for host to be detected online”

    “Wait for host to go offline and come back online”

    I think that one of these options should be sufficient for your needs. And once we add “Check for pending reboot status + reboot if required” I think you will be covered on all ends. If not, please explain in more detail why they are not sufficient and what *would* be sufficient, so that I can better understand how we might improve things.




    I guess the option “Check for pending reboot status + reboot if required” would be exactly what I need 🙂

    thank you already

    EDIT: By the way, with this command I can already determind if there is a reboot pending and reboot the maschine if nessaary:

    cmd /c REG QUERY “HKLMSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateAuto UpdateRebootRequired” > NUL && shutdown -r -f -t 0 || goto END


    Thanks for sharing that command. I’m glad you have a workaround for the time being.

    When BatchPatch detects if reboot is pending, it looks at that same key PLUS 3 other tests. Windows does not have a single consistent/reliable way to determine pending reboot, so to be as thorough as possible BP performs 4 different checks to make the most reliable determination.

    The “check for pending reboot + reboot if required” action will be in the next published release, which will probably be in approximately 6 to 8 weeks from now.



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