Chain Get Info Items

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by mikeb.
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  • #12706

    Is there a way (or could it be added) to create a grouping of Get Information tasks just like there is to clear column contents?

    I routinely want to know the Windows version, Who’s logged in and last boot time. Get’s pretty annoying to do them 1 at a time.


    The way to do this is with the job queue. Create (and save) a job queue that includes the items you want to execute. Then you can execute the saved job queue in a single click whenever desired. Note, ‘Get logged on users’ was not included in the job queue until the new version of BP that we released/published today. The other items you mentioned were already available in the previous version.


    Hi Doug,

    Thanks, works great!


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