Button/custom action for open Adminshare (C$)

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by frankyfife.
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  • #13351


    We have bought several licences for batchpatch and are also very satisfied with the software.

    However, I miss a totally simple action. A button in the menu bar to open the Adminshare via File Exploer on one or multiple selectet devices from the grid (\\hostname\c$).

    A custom action would be even better, so that you can point to custom shares.

    Or is this something that already exists and I’m just missing it?

    Thx in advance.


    Create a local command in BatchPatch (‘Actions > Execute local process/command > Create/modify local commands‘) with the following syntax:

    cmd.exe /c start \\$computer\c$


    cmd.exe /c start \\$computer\SomeOtherFolder

    You will then see your local command under ‘Actions > Execute local process/command > Execute saved local command‘. You can also add a toolstrip button with ‘Tools > Customize visible toolstrip buttons‘. Just scroll to the bottom of the ‘Customize Toolstrip’ window and check the box next to the local command that you created.


    Yes, that works wonderfully. Thank you very much for the quick support.

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