Dear team,
During the morning patching, no updates were applicable. Nothing strange so far, except the last patching was done end of January and the patching Tuesday supposed some KB’s were applicable to my hosts. However after 2x update checks and a BP server reboot, nothing to.
I checked the BP cache directory for the file, and here was the issue: in my cache directory, 2 files were present: ( stamp 2015/01/29)
A manual D/L (tools>Download Microsoft offline scan file) reports a successful transfer but the file in the cache didn’t change, due to the present of wsusscn2.PARTIAL I guess. A deletion of these 2 files resolved the issue.
Hopefully I was certain KB’s were applicable to my servers and I didn’t missed the maintenance windows. Do you have any possibility to add a check on the present files before a D/L?
Many thanks