We thought it made sense to use the same column because the dual scan check also reports the windows update config info, which you can see if you expand the row or middle click on the field. Additionally, we don’t view the dual scan check or the windows update configuration check to be things that generally would be changing… that is to say that there shouldn’t generally be a need to be checking either of these items on a regular basis because if a computer is set properly, then it’s set and it’s not going to change its configuration all of a sudden. I’d be curious to hear why you think it would make a significant difference to put these in separate columns.
This is what the expanded result looks like for the dual scan check. The WUServer value is the same as the result that you would see if you use ‘get windows update configuration’:
Dual Scan Enabled: FALSE . . .
WUServer: Windows Update
DefaultAUService: Windows Update