Remote Commands

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  • #8606


    I am using remote commands to close running applications on some servers before the are rebooted after windows updates have run. However since the change from psexec to the new way of doing remote commands i have trouble making this work.

    I run scripts made by autoit and convered to exe files from a network share with the build in psexec remote command feature of the prior versions of batchpatch like this: -d -s -i 0 “\servernameCloseAppsCloseApp1.exe”. This works great, but how can i do something similar with the new remote command functions and why has psexec been removed ?

    I need to run the scripts in the interactive console to close the applications that are running there.

    Best regards



    Martin – you should be able to do the same thing that you were previously doing. It should still work. Psexec was not removed. Does this now produce an error? What is the error message? Remote command 1 and 2 should work just as it worked in the old version. Remote commands 3 and 4 are slightly different, but I would still expect them to work too. Also note that you can now kill processes using the Services/Processes action.



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