New Feature Request

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  • #8570

    Doug, many thanks again for the software, i see you’ve been updating it a lot recently – i hope it keeps coming!

    Some additional additions that might be helpful

    – You might want to create a new feature reuest subforum – or offiical thread to ask for additional features.

    – Is it possible to create categories with the list of machines? I would like to group some come computers into workstations/ servers that i can reboot anytime , and other categories that would be nice to collapse and expand and that make it easier to do the updates for a specific category.

    – If there a way to see what hotfix is presently being installed? Recently i had to kill the patch process in order to quickly reboot the server and it would have been good to know at what patch it was doing when i sent the cancel command.



    twoj – thanks for the comments.

    You can see what hotfix is currently being installed by middle-clicking on the progress bar field. We’ve been considering better/other ways to display this information, but for now this is the cleanest way that we’ve been satisfied with.

    We’ve been considering categories or tabbing functionality for a while in order to be able to group machines in a single batchpatch.exe process, but we’re not yet sure if this is something we’ll implement. In the meantime, we strongly recommend categorizing by using different batchpatch.exe processes. Launch one instance of BatchPatch for each category you want. This has the advantage of providing insulation between the processes, so that you don’t have all your eggs in one basket, so to speak.



    Hello doug,

    Can I select the type of patch to install on a server.

    I am only interested installing Security & Critical patches.



    Miguel – You can do this under Tools > Options > Remote Agent Settings.


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