Unable to remote view Event Viewer

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    hi there, I am having an issue with the Get Information > Get Event Log Entries > Application/System/Security tool. I get the below error when trying to use it. I have tried on a remote 2008R2 and a 2016 windows server with an account that has permissions. Remote Registry is running on the remote servers.

    Event Log
    Cannot open log Application on machine SERVERNAME. Windows has not provided an error code.

    Has anyone seen the above problem before?

    Thank you


    We haven’t ever heard of this or seen this error, but I suspect it’s not a very commonly used feature/function. I’m not sure why it isn’t passing through a reason… we can look at improving the error handling, which would help troubleshooting. That said, my guess is that if everything else in BP is working fine, then there is some type of permissions issue specific to viewing events on that target, so I would start by assessing permissions. Also try to connect remotely without using BP. I mean open Event Viewer on the BP computer, and then inside Event Viewer on the BP computer try to use the “Connect to Another Computer” option by right-clicking on the upper-left tree view where it says “Event Viewer (Local)”. See if you can connect to the target computer that way. If it’s not successful, maybe it provides a more detailed error.


    Thank you for the suggestion. I can open event viewer and connect to the remote host. On a 2019 server, I can do remote registry as well. Also, I can RDP to the server and open all the apps locally without issue. Is there any debug logging I can enable? If add a line in BP of, it works, but obviously that is local. Thank you


    No, there isn’t debug logging that will provide more info on this error.

    Are you using integrated security or are you specifying alternate credentials in the row?

    Is the target computer on a domain or is it standalone/workgroup?

    Are you able to successfully use ‘Actions > Get information > Get last boot time’ in BatchPatch for that same target computer or does it produce an error too?

    Are you able to successfully use ‘Actions > Windows Updates > Check for available updates’ or does that produce an error too ?


    I am using integrated security from a domain joined server to a domain joined server. All other get information tasks, deployment tasks, patching tasks appear to work fine with correct results. This is a very strange one.

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