I know I must be missing it, but I can’t find a way to clear the Remote Agent Log you see when you double click on a cell in the tab. I deleted the files in c:\program files\batchpatch on the pc but from the server running BatchPatch the contents are still there.
All of the data that you see in the BatchPatch grid is contained in that grid. If you save that grid to .bps file, then all of that data is in the .bps file so that when you re-load that .bps file into BatchPatch, the data is still there.
You can delete column contents inside of a particular grid with ‘Actions > Clear column contents’
I cleared the job queue activity column and it shows blank now. But when I double click on the cell, I still see all the previous activity, that’s what I want to get rid of.
Mike – I’m not really sure what you’re doing. If I clear the job queue activity column, then when I double-click the row to expand it, the job queue activity column is gone/empty. If you have other columns with data, then you would need to clear those too. Clearing just the job queue activity column won’t clear data from other columns. You need to clear the particular columns that you want. You can also always just create a brand new grid/tab.