When I’m updating an application for our org, I’d like to not only see that it is installed, but that the version changed to the latest. Currently, with Batchpatch I can use Get Information->Get list of installed software, and I get a list of “DisplayName” of the software. The feature request I would like would be to also include another column for “DisplayVersion” so that I can see which version is installed on the machine.
Example: Hostname: PC01
Get Information -> Get list of Installed software and Version
DisplayName | DisplayVersion
Notepad++ | 7.8.9
VMware Tools |
Zoom | 5.5.4
*Extra bonus: include InstallDate as a column as well. This would be useful to track successful installs of apps or just to see if there is crusty old software installed.
*Extra Bonus Example
Displayname | DisplayVersion | InstallDate
Notepad++ | 7.8.9 | 2021/01/27