i recently updated to batchpatch version 2021. and when trying to use “Services/Processes > Stop service by name…”, i receive the message “System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied.”
this occurs on any server i have tried, with any service.
on the previous version (2020., it works as expected.
when expanding the Remote Command Output Log, i see a difference between the commands being run.
on version 2020., it runs the command:
Executing \\server.domain.net -r BatchPatchExeSvc -u domain\user -p *password* -h NET STOP “service”
on version 2021., it runs the command:
Executing \\server.domain.net -r BatchPatchExeSvc-75263-WSUS -u domain\user -p *password* -h -i NET STOP “service”
is there a fix for this issue?
thank you.