If I create a job queue with a step that reboots the system that BP is running on, which includes a step for “Wait for host to go offline and come back online,” with some additional steps after, will BP resume the job queue after the reboot?
No. If you reboot the system that BP is running on you will kill everything that is currently happening in BP. Nothing will automatically resume after the machine comes back up. Using BP to reboot the BP machine is not a great idea. Also, depending on which method you use to initiate the reboot, and depending on which OS is running on the BP system, Windows will in most cases prevent the self-reboot from occurring in the first place.
I just treat the BP system independently of all other systems. I don’t touch the BP system until everything else has been patched. Once everything else has been completely patched and rebooted, then I use BP to patch the BP system. I then manually reboot it.